don't know exactly how old I was, but little enough to be amused
playing a make believe game of Trick or Treat alone in the family
my plastic, jack-o-lantern bucket in hand, I went door-to-door (couch
to end table to coffee table and so on), knocking on invisible doors,
buzzing non-existent doorbells.
each stop, I would go through the prescribed routine with the pretend
hostess, begging for unseen candy with the customary “Trick or
Treat,” reciting my lines with my most authentic baby talk, “Twick
or Tweat.”
went about my expedition without incident until I arrived at the
rocker-recliner house.
generous, but transparent lady who answered the door offered a choice
of candy, “What would you like little girl?”
in character, the baby talk babbled from my lips, “I want a
course, the defining quality of 'baby talk' is that the words aren't
spoken clearly or precisely. In fact, sometimes sounds are
substituted for other sounds. For instance, sometimes an 's' might
come out sounding like a 'th'. But in this scandalous instance, the
's' was substituted with an 'f'.
mother shot into the family room as if catapulted from the kitchen,
her finger wagging. “Don't you ever say that again,” she
reprimanded in a loud, screech.
out my shoes, I spun in a panic, facing her rabidity.
had I said? What was I to do? How was I to ask for a sugary, hard
candy on a stick? Lollipop was an awfully big word for such a little
girl. And Tootsie Pop was far too specific. Stifled.
's'uck it, just give me the candy cigarettes.
was several more years until I grasped an understanding of profanity
sufficient to recall this episode and reason out what I had uttered –
to the great horror of my mother.
however, take a depraved pleasure in its prediction of my irreverent
future – the mother of all curse words, it turns out, is one of my
favorite words to say – the sweet confection of it rolling off my
tongue. The taffy-like pull of it. The appeal of its Everlasting
Gobstopper assortment of flavors. I'd almost go so far as to call it
'ear candy' but that might be 'Dum Dum'.
yes, and I believe that you were the one who convinced me to start using bad words...and were so proud when I finally made it to that one...;)